Info - Bacons Helper
Bacons Helper can delete follow bot ad messages from chat.
To enable this use command "^set Follow-bot-filter enable" in your chat.
Feature requires 'Mod' Mod Badge Iconstatus.
He will wait patiently for a trigger sentence to appear in chat such as "Followers, viewers, and subs".
Then check for badges (IE. mod, sub, followed) in your channel,
if chatter has none of these the message will be timed out for 60 seconds,
effectively deleting the ad from chat.
Welcomes a chatter after they send there first message, this feature is disabled by default.
You can enable it with "^set welcome enable" command in chat.
the welcome message is fully customizable "^set welcome-message example message"
What Bacons Helper will say when welcoming a chatter after they send there first message,
this feature is disabled by default. To change your message
make sure the Welcome is enabled, if not use"^set welcome enable" command in chat.
then "^set welcome-message Yooooo ${name}!!!!"
use "${name}" when setting the welcome message to have the chatters name displayed in the message.
Have Bacons Helper send a message when a raid happens.
This feature is disabled by default. use "^set raid-shout-out enable"
Have Bacons Helper send a message when a raid happens.
This feature is disabled by default. Make sure raid shoutouts are enabled if not
"^set raid-shout-out enable"
To change the raid message use "^set raid-message !so ${name} "
There are a few special tags you can use when setting you raid message to make them dynamic
"${name}" - to add the name of the raider
"${link}" - to add the twitch link of the raider
"${game}" - to add the the last game the raider was streaming
Chat Seeding is a feature to allow the "^ai " command you try and use chatter names when generating a message
this is still experimental and disabled by default. You can use " ^set chat-seeding enable" to try it out
Trebek Mini Game is based off of the old Saturday Night Live skit (Season 22, 1996) of Celebrity Jeopardy
Where Sean Connery (Darrell Hammond) drives Alex Trebek (Will Ferrell) crazy with remarks about Trebek's mother.
any time a chatter makes a remark about trebek's mom they are awarded a point and the joke added to the joke bank.
Jokes that are to similar to previous ones will not receive any points.

this feature is Disabled by default. to enable use the "^set trebek enable" command