Commands - Bacons Helper
Basic Command List
Eight-ball8ballAsk a question, and predict the future..... maybe(Everyone)15 Seconds^8ball Will i find bacon?πŸ“„ Info
AboutNoneGet information about projects like Bacons_Helper (Twitch) | Master-Bot (Discord) | Bacon_Fixation (Human-ish) | Sparky (Z3) | Ghost Tesla (Tesla) | Others (Projects)(Everyone)15 Seconds^about πŸ“„ Info
Add-botaddbotSubmit a request to add Bacons_Helper to a channel(Everyone)15 Seconds^add-botπŸ“„ Info
AiNoneGenerate a sentence - sometimes with chatter names(Everyone)15 Seconds^aiπŸ“„ Info
Bacon-numberNoneCalculate the Bacon number of an actor.(Everyone)15 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Botinfoabout, infoSends details about the bot(Everyone)15 Seconds^botinfoπŸ“„ Info
BotsubsemotesetsSee all the sub emotes from channels where the bot is subbed(Everyone)15 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
BuseybuseyismInput a word or acronym and get a Buseyism.(Everyone)15 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Chatterseveryone, masspingTwitch viewer list info(Everyone)5 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Coin-tossNoneToss a coin to determine your fate.(Everyone)15 Seconds^coin-tossπŸ“„ Info
ComboNoneCalculate the number of combinations(Everyone)15 Seconds^combo 10 4πŸ“„ Info
ConfidentNoneA friendly reminder about being overconfident <3(Everyone)15 Seconds^confidentπŸ“„ Info
ConvertNone(Beta) Convert a value from one unit to another.(Everyone)15 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
CurrencyNoneConvert currencies to USD(Everyone)15 Seconds^currency 40 EURπŸ“„ Info
Current-mini-gamecmgDisplay questions and answer thus far(Everyone)15 Seconds^current-mini-gameπŸ“„ Info
Current-playersplayers, contestantsGet a list of players for the mini-game(Everyone)1 Seconds^playersπŸ“„ Info
DefineNoneSearch for a definition of a word.(Everyone)15 Seconds^define baconπŸ“„ Info
Diced4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d100, d%Dungeons and Dragons Dice set(Everyone)0 Seconds^d20πŸ“„ Info
DongerNoneGenerate a small picture made from Ascii characters (aka Dongers)γƒ½ΰΌΌΰΊˆΩ„ΝœΰΊˆΰΌ½οΎ‰(Everyone)15 Seconds^dongerπŸ“„ Info
Emote-listtotal-emotes, channel-emotes, all-emotes, emotesGet the total and a list of emotes of a channel from BTTV, FFZ, Twitch, and 7TV combined(Everyone)15 Seconds^emote-list imytπŸ“„ Info
EmoteNoneResolve a Twitch emote(Everyone)15 Seconds^emote Emote(GlitchCat)πŸ“„ Info
EpicgamesepicSearch a game on Epic Games(Everyone)15 Seconds^epic Crysis 3πŸ“„ Info
Fbe-statscurrent-tallyGet Bacons Helpers Stats on the War On Follow Bots(Everyone)15 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
FunfactNoneSends a random fun fact(Everyone)15 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Game-searchgsGet a detailed list of information about a game.(Everyone)15 Seconds^gs super metroidπŸ“„ Info
HaikuNoneGenerate a random Haiku.(Everyone)15 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Helpcommands, cmdsProvides info about a specific command or brings you here(Everyone)4 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
HowlongtobeathltbGet details about how long to beat a game(Everyone)15 Seconds^hltb Mirror's EdgeπŸ“„ Info
HugNoneGive someone a hug(Everyone)10 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Igdb-searchage-rating, box-art, developer, dlc, engine, expansions, game-modes, genre, multiplayer, platform, game-ports, publisher, release, rating, similar, status, storyline, summary, theme(Beta) - Search for information about a specific Game.(Everyone)15 Seconds^igdb-search Mirrors EdgeπŸ“„ Info
Ignore-meignore-user, opt-outOpt out of Welcome Messages and Chat Seeding (Everyone)15 Seconds^ignore-meπŸ“„ Info
InsultNoneGenerate a Shakespearean Style insult(Everyone)15 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Join-gamejgJoin the current mini game(Everyone)1 Seconds^join-gameπŸ“„ Info
JokeNoneSends a random dad joke(Everyone)15 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
LeaderboardNoneGet the details of your current chat mini-game(Everyone)15 Seconds^leaderboardπŸ“„ Info
Leave-gamelgLeave the current mini game(Everyone)1 Seconds^leave-gameπŸ“„ Info
LiveNoneShows who is currently live from your squad-list(Everyone)15 Seconds^liveπŸ“„ Info
LurkNoneLet chat know you are afk(Everyone)1 Seconds^lurkπŸ“„ Info
My-scoreNoneWhat is your current score on the global trebek leaderboard(Everyone)15 Seconds^my-scoreπŸ“„ Info
NameNoneGenerate a Random Name(Everyone)15 Seconds^nameπŸ“„ Info
PbNoneGet the Personal Best of a speedrunner.(Everyone)15 Seconds^pb bacon_fixation | mirrors edge | glitchlessπŸ“„ Info
Percentage%Sends a random percentage between 0% and 100%.(Everyone)15 Seconds^percentπŸ“„ Info
PoeNoneGenerate a random paragraph in the style of Edgar Allen Poe.(Everyone)15 Seconds^poeπŸ“„ Info
Randcliprc, random-clip, clip-pleaseSends a random clip from the top 100 clips in the channel(Everyone)15 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
RngNoneRandom Number Generator(Everyone)15 Seconds^rng 1 10000πŸ“„ Info
RollNoneRoll a customizable set of dice(Everyone)15 Seconds^roll 5πŸ“„ Info
Season-leaderboardglobal-leaderboard, season-leadersGet the top 5 players of the 2025 season(Everyone)15 Seconds^season-leaderboardπŸ“„ Info
SimpleNoneA friendly reminder to keep it simple!(Everyone)15 Seconds^simple Bacons_HelperπŸ“„ Info
SteamNoneSearch a game on Steam(Everyone)15 Seconds^steam Mirrors EdgeπŸ“„ Info
Streaminfosi, title, game, uptime, thumbnail, thumbSends info about the stream of the specified channel(Everyone)15 Seconds^uptimeπŸ“„ Info
SuggestsuggestionMake a command or feature suggestion(Everyone)15 Seconds^suggest Maybe add a death counter to the bot!!!!πŸ“„ Info
Unignore-meunignore-user, opt-in, opt-in-userOpt back into Welcome Messages and Chat Seeding (Everyone)15 Seconds^unignore-meπŸ“„ Info
UnlurkNoneLet chat know you are back(Everyone)30 Seconds^lurkπŸ“„ Info
Userstaff, isbot, partner, affiliate, age, color, followageGet details about a Twitch user(Everyone)15 Seconds^user bacons_helperπŸ“„ Info
WrNoneGet the world record of a given game and category(Everyone)15 Seconds^wr super metroid | any%πŸ“„ Info
Report-bugbugReport a bug with a command or feature(Vip)15 Seconds^bug im having an issue with the ^wr command, it is showing the wrong game when searching Witcher III : any%πŸ“„ Info
SuggestsuggestionMake a command or feature suggestion(Everyone)15 Seconds^suggest Maybe add a death counter to the bot!!!!πŸ“„ Info
Channel Command List
420statsNoneGet the Stats of Roll 420 chat mini-game(Everyone)15 Seconds^420statsπŸ“„ Info
Add-commandNoneCreate a custom text command(Mod)15 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Add-liveNoneAdd a notification to your chat when a fellow streamer goes live when you are.(Mod)3 Seconds^add-live @bacons_HelperπŸ“„ Info
Add-pointadd-points, apAdd points to one or more players(Vip)3 Seconds^add-points @Bacon_Fixation 2 | @Bacons_Helper 2 | @Raikoh130 2πŸ“„ Info
Ban-userNoneBan a user from chat.(Mod)15 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Configset, settings, settingDisplay/Set you settings for Bacons_Helper(Mod)3 Seconds^set translator enableπŸ“„ Info
Creditsclosing-timeShow all of the Raiders, Followers, Subs, Cheerers, and Gifters during the stream.(Vip)15 Seconds^creditsπŸ“„ Info
Current-gameNoneGet a detailed list of information on the current game being streamed(Mod)30 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Death-counterdeaths, death-count, death+, add-death, death-, remove-death, set-deaths, edit-deaths, reset-deaths, clear-deathsFull suite of commands to keep track of your death count(Everyone)(Everyone)15 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Edit-commandedit-cmdAdjust aspects of a command like Enable, Disable, or Cooldown(in seconds)(Mod)3 Seconds^cmd insult cooldown 12πŸ“„ Info
End-rounderPost the URL for the answers and end the round(Mod)10 Seconds^end-round 3b4πŸ“„ Info
Family-feudffPost a Family Feud question in chat with with a specified number of answers and create a page for players to submit there answers(Mod)10 Seconds^ff Name something that men would have in their tree fort | 3πŸ“„ Info
FindmsgfindFind who sent the message from your input (you can use SQL Wildcards)(Mod)5 Seconds^find Hi BaconπŸ“„ Info
Game-mastergmAssign a game master to control a mini game(Mod)15 Seconds^gm @Bacon_FixationπŸ“„ Info
Game-rouletteNoneGet the Prize list and the Stats for Game-Roulette(Everyone)15 Seconds^game-rouletteπŸ“„ Info
Is-bacon-hereisbaconhere, bacon-check, baconCheck the chat for Bacon_Fixation(Mod)0 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Legal-illegalliPost a Legal/Illegal question to be answered(Mod)10 Seconds^li Is it legal to buy red wine in Tennessee on Sundays?πŸ“„ Info
LinesNoneSends the specified user messages count(Mod)30 Seconds^lines Bacon_FixationπŸ“„ Info
Live-listlivelist, squad-list, squadlistShows you who is in your current list of streamers(Mod)3 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
PingNoneShows the latency of the bot(Mod)30 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Player-statsNoneGet the individual player stats for the chat mini-game(Everyone)15 Seconds^player-stats bacon_fixationπŸ“„ Info
Prefixprefix, botprefixChanges the bot prefix for your channel (default is "^")(Mod)30 Seconds^prefix *πŸ“„ Info
Remove-bot-nowNoneRemoves the bot from your channel and deletes you from the database(Broadcaster)5 Seconds^remove-bot-nowπŸ“„ Info
Remove-liveNoneRemove a streamer from your notification list(Mod)3 Seconds^remove-live @bacons_HelperπŸ“„ Info
Remove-pointNoneRemove points from a player(Vip)3 Seconds^add-point @bacon_fixation 2πŸ“„ Info
Remove-translator-ignoreNoneRemove a word/phrase from your translator ignore list(Mod)3 Seconds^remove-translator-ignore nom nomπŸ“„ Info
Reset-live-listNoneCompletely remove all streamers from your live list(Mod)60 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
ScanNoneScan through messages using a RegExp and get a random one(Mod)60 Seconds^scan /trebek/igπŸ“„ Info
ShoutoutsoGive a Shoutout to a fellow Streamer. '^so' to shoutout the recent raider or use it with a username like '^so @bacon_fixation'(Vip)15 Seconds^shoutout @bacon_fixationπŸ“„ Info
Socialsdiscord, merch, website, email, youtube, tiktok, twitter, facebook, kick, snapchat, instagram, github, patreonDisplay/Edit all the channels social media services or specific service, Mods can modify with subcommands Example: ^discord edit(Everyone)30 Seconds^discordπŸ“„ Info
SolveNoneCreate words from a series of letters (cheating at scrabble basically LUL)(Mod)10 Seconds^solve NACOBπŸ“„ Info
SongNone(Prototype) Testing a passive way to get Spotify info by using Discord(Everyone)30 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
Stalklastseen, lsLast seen chat message of an user(Mod)5 Seconds^stalk Bacon_FixationπŸ“„ Info
StatsNoneSends the current channel chat stats(Mod)30 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
TranslateNoneTranslate a message to the stream’s preferred language(Everyone)3 Seconds^translate this is an exampleπŸ“„ Info
Translator-ignoretiAdd a strategic word or words for auto-translate to ignore - helps with false triggers.(Mod)3 Seconds^ti nom nomπŸ“„ Info
Update-emote-listrefresh-emote-list, renew-emote-listManually update your emote-list(Mod)15 Seconds^emote-list imytπŸ“„ Info
User-messagesusers-chat, ucSearch through chat logs for messages by a specified user.(Mod)30 Seconds^user-messages Bacon_FixationπŸ“„ Info
Who-to-raidwhotoraid, recommend-raid, whom-to-raid, raid-them-papi, wtrGet a list of streams that are similar to your last 5 games that have a viewership that is +/-25% of your current viewers, and share the same language and maturity settings(Mod)30 SecondsπŸ“„ Info
World-recordswrgPost a World Record question to be answered(Mod)10 Seconds^wrg what is the record for most full extended punches in 3 minutesπŸ“„ Info