Home - Bacons Helper

- Community

Bacons Helpers Discord
Developers Twitch Channel

- Adding the bot

Bacons Helper is still in active development
If you don't mind occasional bugs and want the bot added in your channel or a channel that you moderate
head to Bacons Helper's Chat
type^addbot or ^addbot (channel name) for a channel that you moderate

- Removing the bot

If you want the bot removed from your channel you can just BAN the bot :D your settings will remain for 30 Day before deletion or
^remove-bot-now in your chat (Channel/Bot Owner Only) ***this will DELETE your channel from the Database and Leave chat immediately***

- Description

Bacons_Helper is a passion project to make a multi-purpose and helpful bot to the stream with an Auto-Translator for chat,
deleting follow bot messages, and more to come in the future, if you have any suggestions you can use the ^suggest command

The default command prefix is ^ for example you would run the ping command by typing^ping - (prefix + command name)

The prefix is customizable per channel with the^prefix command, some channels may have a custom prefix set.
You can lookup a channel here